
This is a site meant to showcase my work so far as an architecture student at Northeastern and my work outside of the classroom.

Sam Shpall is an architecture student at Northeastern University. Born and raised in Southern California he attended high school at a small high school in West Hills, he graduated in 2014. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Architecture and is minoring in Business Administration.

In high school he was a 4 year wrestler with 2 league championships and was in AP art for 3 years. He was also class president and part of the Executive Student Council.

His interest in architecture and the arts in general developed at an early age, but it was not until he met his artistic mentor in high school did his passion take form. He is specifically interested in minimal design. With the water crisis in Southern California, he is also interested in environmentally positive design.


To see my portfolio please visit my issuu page at



Thank you.